Sunday, May 16, 2010



The Zend Framework is at its most basic level an open-source object
oriented web application
framework written in PHP 5 and licensed under the new BSD license.
From this humble basis, Zend
Framework has been used to build large scale applications mostly
running on Intranet of nationals
and multi-national organizations. More unique applications appear
every day, further demonstrating
how versatile and powerful the framework can be.

Often at times, the questions that ponder the minds of so many
PHP programmers are issues
pertaining to bottlenecks not application level's but on aspect
of the learning curve regarding the
DOs and DONTs of Zend Framework,
sufficing me to put down this paper as an alternative way
to teaching Zend Framework to newbies or conventional
PHP programmers who have the intention of
using the Framework for their subsequent developments.
In this session, using this model, Zend framework will
be dissected intravenously from its
bootstrap to all its component libraries and discussed
right from its conception to its design
therefore exposing some issues to programmers.
Driving a long way from the main Abuja City Central
Area of Nigeria with a programmer friend,
Layi Funsho (who happen to be a PHP programmer too)
to the Nigeria Immigration Service
Headquarters situated at a suburb (Sauka Village) along
the airport road left no shadow in
my mind than wondering how people who live in suburbs
survive the lack of aura of
civilization 2.0 brought about by web 2.0.Something
Eventually struck my mind
regarding their involvement in the country's capital market share.
Guess what? Zend Framework architecture is a complete
model that best describes the
scenario and in reverse this market model offers a simplistic
approach in teaching towards the comprehension of
the Zend Framework architecture in a way limiting the learning
curve of the framework.
A brief into into the market model: Well established
companies move imported food or goods
from the seaport to the various urban and rural markets
in Nigeria. The marketing channels for
imported foodstuffs are shown in the Figure below.
Empirical evidence from various studies
revealed that there is some level of concentration
in the rural and urban foodstuffs markets in
Nigeria. The degree of concentration at the wholesale
level is greater than the degree of
concentration in the retail subsector
(Adekanye, 1988; Okereke, 1988; Anthonio, 1988; Okoh,

The zend Boostrap:
Your Bootstrap class defines what resources and components
to initialize.
By default, Zend Framework's Front Controller is
initialized, and it uses the application/controllers/
as the default directory in which to look for action
controllers. Issue that will be raised involve the
initialization factor as observed by the
application/configs/application.ini and resource
creation and allocation performed by the bootstrap in
comparison with having a central Urban wholesaler
who distributes to the Rural
wholesaler and every point in time the rural wholesaler returns
to the Urban Wholesaler for resources needed by
its populace. On the other hand the Urban Wholesaler
who acts the bootstrap contains information regarding
access to the
database and other external libraries as seen in the
below model with the importer.

Fig: Marketing channels for imported foodstuffs

In conclusion it thus offers a better model
for the teaching of zend
framework's most especially to newbies of PHP
and even to experience programmers.
With respect to this, our organizations have
used this model for the training of
its programmers and has proven worthwhile.
Zend framework will thus be observed
as an art rather than its scientific
complications arising from high technical languages.
It can thus be concluded that our market
model involving rural and urban relationship
is a direct relative of the zend framework
in terms of architectural design.

Chief Technology Officer,
Frendtool Technologies Ltd,


  1. As a newbie, am completely lost. But i like the language construction. More of that, dude.

  2. Nice one! Generally most design patterns are closely associated with socio-human behaviour which most of the time gives a better description of the pattern itself. For instance a Mapper in an ORM model could be likened to a real life scenario where the Mapper is taking as a manager to an actor (the relational object) and all interactions with the actor passes through the manager who organizes the mapping process

  3. Tech-savvy...nice introduction. Well leveled for anybody to get wet into using Zend Framework..But could I suggest that the setups, sample codes and possibly real time usage will go along way in energizing the utilization of Zend...(A thought)
